
Dyani Robarge and Andrew Gould

Kids Mist: A tool that allows kids with CP to engage in more water activities outside.

The project first started with the idea of helping kids with CP water plants in their garden. The first idea was an irrigation system that would allow the kids to automatically water the plants with a press of a button. However, a few problems we ran into included the danger of using electricity near water and they also wanted it to be more interactive. So we came up with an idea of a water gun that would fit on the side of the chair. This idea sounded well because it was easy to use and enabled the kids to interact with their environment. It took us a while to come up with a final product and that was because we tested every idea we came up with. It took a while to learn Fusion 360 which was used for prototyping.

Our hope is that this game will allow kids with CP to play around with their friends and family. This product allows kids to pull water from a water bottle that will be close by them and shoot it out of a cannon. It exists for the sole purpose of helping kids engage outside and have more recreational options. This was made by designing each part in a 3D modelling software and using a 3D printer. Electronics were used to create the button and help the cannon function. Kids Mist will help kids with CP bond with friends and family and, most importantly, have fun.