Project Brief: revised

Project Brief: revised

Karlee Patrick

During the first week of this class, the studio was tasked with designing a deployable object that would be useful and help improve school campus. This was challenging because the campus is already really pretty, especially outdoors. As students, we never really get to enjoy it as much as we could because we are in classes all day. And with the new schedule, we do not get many breaks. This triggered my idea: to design an outdoor learning environment.

The main goal of this project is to create a learning environment that stands out from the traditional. From the start, the classroom needed to be a space that was outdoors, but the challenge of designing an outdoor classroom is that it needs to be protected from uncomfortable features such as extreme temperatures, bugs, etc.The idea of clear walls  fits the goal of this project. Over the course of the semester over five different models were designed. Although some did not work at all, the experience was taken and learned from for the next model. After the nearly-finalized model was not working, a guest coach came in. The models all had difficulties deploying and having a second use. All models were presented to her, and she said that the first was the best. A decision was made to go back to this one because its simplicity made it more functional and stand out. 

The Curvy Classroom works with the same mechanisms of a garage, but would have to be attached to a larger structure. Because there are many open spaces on campus where this could be placed, we propose attaching it to a tree. This would allow one side of the structure to remain on the ground, while the other side can raise for shade or remain the same. This structure can take on many different forms and this feature is especially useful when it is time for storage. The panels can be folded on top of each other for a compact and easy pickup. 

Since the beginning of this project, it was apparent it was going to be a challenge. We struggled a lot throughout this, but with the help of teachers and other guides, the idea progressed. The greatest difficulties were figuring out how the structure would be able to deploy and what its second use would be. Lists of objectives helped my partner and I overcome these challenges. Once the digital model of the final was completed, the project finally came completely together, but there is still other details to work out. In conclusion, having an outdoor learning space might have been hard to make, but it could help change the learning environment for students on campus.