
Kristen LaMotte

The JerkNot is a fishing glove that utilizes a 3D printed piece that prevents you from jerking or breaking your wrist incorrectly while casting.

     JerkNot helps to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome which is caused by a pinched nerve called the median nerve in your hand and wrist. Whenever fishers cast, they want to move their wrist in a flicking motion from left to right, not up and down. Flicking their wrist up and down increases their chance of pinching their median nerve. The device itself is a 3D printed piece that attaches to a fishing glove that protects against getting fishing hooks in the hands of the fishers and also helps them can grip their catch more securely.

     Initially, I began with just a glove that prevents hooks from getting stuck in the hands of fishers but I wanted to start focusing more on the wrist when you fish because when casting, all the power comes from the wrist. If the median nerve gets pinched, it not only affects the cast of the fisher but it also puts avid fishermen and fisherwomen out of their passion for some time. With that being said, I combined the idea of a fishing glove that prevents hooks getting stuck in the hands of fishers with something that would prevent the median nerve from being pinched.