Project Brief

Lathan Minton

The Doombah is a stump destroying monster that would be used to remove stumps underwater. Specifically, it would be used in the LSU lakes as this is a very big problem in our community. The design of the Doombah ended up being 2 triangle shape frames that had a "T" shape arm attached, which helps to hold the saw blades. Around the two frames were tank-like treads for mobility.

With the LSU lakes being extremely shallow, the ecosystem around them is being damaged. The only way to fix this problem is by dredging. Now dredging is the process of digging out soil to deepen a body of water. It has been decades since the lakes were dredged, and last time only a small portion was actually dredged due to the excessive number of stumps. During the creation of the lake, a cypress forest was cut down and most of the stumps were left to be covered up. The Doombah would be able to go in and remove these stumps opening up the possibility of dredging again. 

There are a number of ways these lakes affect Baton Rouge. Firstly, they are apart of LSU which is a huge community here. Secondly, hundreds of homes sit next to the lakes. This is why the option to drain the lakes has been completely removed although being the easiest. With the Doombah and the help of companies like GEC and BREC, this project could possibly be the solution. Also a collaboration with the company Marsh Master would be huge. Creating an attachment for the March Master to go in and clear stumps would be very efficient.