User Feedback Questions

User Feedback Questions

Brenley Rinaudo

1. What is your opinion of the product?

Dad: "I think the product is beneficial, especially for the volunteers you described would be using it."

Mom: "Because our dog is tiny we wouldn't benefit from it, but if we had a big dog I for sure would use a ramp rather than pick up the dog."

2. Do you see yourself recommending the product to someone?

Dad: "I would reccoemend this to people who are trying to provide dogs comfort in a vehicle. It would be very beneficial for dog owners with larger dogs who do not want to lift them into a car."

Mom: "I would recommend it to my friend, Stephanie, because she has a really big dog and travels a lot."

3. How does this project compete?

Dad: "Judging by the way you described the project,  it seems to offer more than the other ramps on the market."

Mom: "It looks smaller and easier to use than others I've seen."

4. How would you use this project?

Dad: "Our dog now is small so I wouldn't use it, but my old dog when I was in college was big and I could use the ramp when I took my dog hunting."

Mom: "I wouldn't use the project."

5. What is the pricing?

Dad: "I would make it cheaper than other products to add to the list of reasons to buy this product."

Mom: "I like to buy things for my dog but I never like to spend more on my dog than I would for myself.. so I would make it cheaper."