Project Brief

Joshua Keaty

Our project is a cat bunk bed called the Stair Sleeper. Our product is a three layer bunk bed that folds in on itself to make storage and transportation easier. 

The idea originally came from a visit to the animal shelter. We wanted to conserve space inside the cats’ cages and give them a place to sleep and play. A finalized version of this product would incorporate toys and scratch padding so the cats can play and bedding so they can sleep more comfortably. It could also be used in smaller homes or apartments where people have limited space. It is easily stored and saves space with its multiple layers. Therefore, people with one or more cats in a small living space would benefit from owning the Stair Sleeper.

Our product is primarily made out of wood, but softer materials for the cats to scratch and play on could also be added. Originally, it was just a simple bunk bed design. This evolved into a three layer design with alternating platforms around a central piece. This allows our product to stand out among any other similar products on the market. The final product has the three layers and can also fold in on itself. The three platforms all connect in the the middle piece at different heights. We used threaded rods for the platforms to rotate around and hinges for the platforms to fold. A person can fold/push the sides in towards the middle to put it into a flat form that is more convenient. Overall, this product would be easy to use and very beneficial to shelters and homes in need of versatile space for their cats.