Project Brief

Edward Staib

The Dogwash is a technologically more advanced way of cleaning your dog by using automation rather than manually cleaning it.

Who wants to get on their hands and knees with a hose? Even though nobody likes to clean their dog, it's a necessary responsibility that comes with having one. To solve this issue, the DogWash presents a clear-cut way of automating this cleaning process by resembling a car wash. The DogWash is the only way to go if you want to make bathing easy for both you and your dog. No more brushing and using a hose outside to get your dog squeaky clean.

$499 is a small price to pay given the lifespan of the DogWash and the amount of time it will save for you to wash your dog. On average, owners spend 45 minutes to an hour each week to wash their dog. This product will save tons of time, allowing the pet owner to spend time on more enjoyable things. Our goal is to target customers that have more than one dog or businesses that see dogs on a daily basis. This includes the vet, Pets Plaza, Pet Co, and dog shelters. We also will target upper class people that are willing to spend an extra dollar.

The DogWash was created for two simple reasons: Firstly, we want to make a profit and find a suitable place in the the pet industry that has not been overtaken by large corporations. Secondly, we want to make the DogWash the new norm for cleaning your dog. The comfort aspect of the design is our current objective. Making the dog feel safe while using this product is our trajectory for the rest of the semester. Effectiveness is also an important aspect because it ensures you can trust the brand and product to get the job done well.