Project Brief

Brandan Garrido

The Cage 'n Desk is a foldable desk that allows pet owners to be more mobile. The specially-designed pet cage at the bottom folds into a suitcase you can take with you while you travel.

The initial prototypes were cardboard but the final design will be made of wood with leather strap connections. The only way we could get this to fold is to have a leather strap connection from a side to the bottom of the desk. It folds with two sides up and a back to the desk. The sides fold in first to create a flat surface and then the back folds on top of that. Attached to the back is a strap for the suitcase carrier. 

 We tried to use a hinge connection for about 15 weeks and it did not work. Finally, we figured out that the strap connection would allow the sides to fold correctly. We used the strap on a wood platform to finish the final product. The base will also be made of wood and fold similarly to the top of the desk. Our target audience are traveling pet owners that are always on the go. The cage is to suit the size of the animal because it will be big enough to house any dog. It should be a mobile, comfortable way to bring a dog around.