Post brief

Christian Clayson

Our project is for students who want to do work outside in a workspace that has a desk for your homework or projects or you just want to go outside and enjoy the weather. There is now a place for that with our Bench/Desk Workspace. 

Our mechanism is a bench that is used as a desk, but why have a lap as a desk when u can have a foldable desk. The desk has hinges in it so it can be used as an arm rest and a desk. The primary use of our device is to be able to work outside where there is a quiet place to work, working outside while everyone is in class makes it peaceful to sit on a bench that has a desk instead of using your lap. 

As of now we have not tested nor finished our model yet, but once we do finish I believe it will turn out great and will be used a lot for many reasons, and will be a good add on touch for availability for studying and or working quietly and efficiently.

New Project Brief

John Roppolo

Our project Bench Workspace gives students a space to enjoy nature while under the shade of a tree. The desk my partner and I designed attaches to a tree, creating an outdoor work space on the school's lawn. 

Why use your lap as a desk when you can have a fold-able bench that transforms into a work space? The primary use of (project name) is to provide a peaceful place to sit outside and work. Our Project can be used by students who have a free period in the day and would like to finish  homework or study. 

The desk has hinges in it so it can be used as an arm rest and a desk. Give several paragraphs of text explaining what worked and didn't work in your model. Tell us about your different design iterations and why you went with the tree attachment. What engineering challenges did you face?

Although we haven't completed the final product we believe that once we finish the full scale it will offer students a great option for  studying and quietly and efficiently outside?.